Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our Newest Addition

The Lazy J welcomes a new addition...Isn't he the cutest thing??? OK Grandkids..put your heads together for a new name!! He is about a year old and still a little nervous, but I am sure will be at home in no time! Until he receives his formal name from the grandkids, WB will have to do...We already love you, Booger!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

St. Anthony's Triathlon

On April 26, the most prestigious St. Anthony's Triathlon was held in St. Petersburg. Men and women from all over the country come to participate in this, as individuals, and teams. Adam, had , in the past, been a part of a team, where he had swum the first leg, .9 of a mile in the Gulf off Spa Beach and the Vinoy Basin. One of his teammates would then ride the 25 mile bike portion, and another teammate would run the 7.5mi portion. This year, Adam trained to do the individual triathlon.

For the first time in the history of the St. Anthony's, we awoke to the news that the "rescue" kayaks could not handle the rough waters, and the swimming portion was cancelled to all participants except the pro athletes. Of course, for the triathlete who excels on the bike and running portion, this was great news! But to those, like Adam, who excels in the swimming portion...not too great.

I met up with Adam and Lori around 6:30 and watched, in awe, as these wonderful athletes, including, my son, proceeded to bike and run around the Northeast section of St. Pete. Kudos to all who participated... I used to think basketball players were the athletes who had to be in the best shape, what with all the running, jumping, etc. for a long period of time.....No Longer...The triathlete cannot be surpassed in physical conditioning and mental toughness. I was truly IMPRESSED!!