Monday, June 15, 2009

Friends, Retirement,Memories

What a grand time...good friends Elaine and Janet enjoyed a joint retirement party. These two, along with all the other Bardmoor folks, have taken another step in our journey together. You see, Bardmoor, back in the 1970's was a brand new school, filled mainly with brand new teachers, with only a year or two of experience under our belts.

You would not think this young group of women could handle the likes of a chauvinistic, basically mean principal; an open space school of kids forced into a wall-less, overcrowded environment; AND raising new families in a not so friendly world. But, TOGETHER, we accomplished it all.

Along with the VFMB, we handled that principal; we constructed walls and used very loud voices to maintain discipline and actually TEACH; AND with parties for the "Couch Kids", softball ,bowling and volleyball teams(we were the jocks, weren't we??), and babysitting each other's kids we helped each other wade our way through the maze of the do's and dont's for raising the most perfect children!

Ladies, I thank you for those times.... and KNOW that you will enjoy these times as much as I do. And Matt, I thank you for that wonderful CD of memories that you shared. Though I so miss you "little" guys and gals...I love you big guys and gals even more!