Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Grandpa and David

When Mim and husband Ted, said they would be joining us for Thanksgiving, and that nephew, David and wife Dianna would like to come, as well, we were so excited!! Not only was Daddy, who has been recovering from a broken rib, going to get to see some of his Grandkids, we were going to enlist more helpers for our newest Thanksgiving tradition.

2009 brought the 4th year of our church's Community Thanksgiving Dinner. This began as Dean's brainchild, and was adopted by the church missions team and, of course, a large percentage of our church. Many people work, donate money, and, oh yes, homemade pies for the occasion.

Dean and his cook crew began Tuesday, cooking turkeys. On Thursday, 40 folks, from our church, our community, and even neighboring communities came to finish cooking, delivering take-outs to shut ins, serving those who join us, fellowshipping, and finally joining in on the eating, and of course, cleaning up.

Last year, the total folks served were around 200. So Dean planned for around 240 this year. We realized, after niece Karen and I made several trips to Winn Dixie, that the number was going to be greater. When the turkey feathers had settled, the numbers this year, grew to over 300. Again, we are not sure which group of people are more blessed...which groups are more thankful.... or which group  gives more to the other...the Servers or the Servees. God's Love is so great.

The added treat for our family, is the opportunity we made to go to Barnaby's on Wednesday night to gain sustenance and pepperoni for the following day's work. The special time also gave Daddy reasons to smile, as the cousins shared memories of nursery work days, painting houses, "eggings", and of course, Daddy's wonderful grandfatherly stories...  :)

We missed Bill and Johanna (in Peru), Adam and Lori and the kiddos (visiting friends), and hope that Thanksgiving was a wonderful time for all our family and friends.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Big 60 Final Chapter

Well, on November 9th, the big day arrived.  It started with e-cards coming in from Adam, Adie Price, Karen and Greg, David, and even one from Peru...Bill and Johanna. Then, Dean whisked me off to a wonderful lunch at Carmelita's. I still find that some of the best Mexican faire anywhere.

We then headed over to Tampa and the Hard Rock Casino and Hotel. My sister Mim and her hubby Ted joined us that evening, and they were going to stay through the 11th, Mim's birthday. Dean and I were surprised that evening with a fruit and cheese tray and a bottle of champagne. Thanks again Larry, we enjoyed it all!

Dean had to leave the next morning, but I got to stay another day. Margaret and Daddy got there, and the Hall girls got to celebrate their birthdays with their "good friend" Bill Hall. The celebration was certainly enhanced by Glenda, the good witch of the North. For those who know The Wizard of Oz slot machine..she visited me and rewarded me with $700+.

Unfortunately, we had a bit of a mishap Tuesday night. Daddy took a fall in the room. We found out when we got back to Monticello, the next day, that he has a broken rib. I guess we will have to "tone down" next year's celebration. Please keep our Daddy in your prayers.

So, the Big 60 came and went. I loved spending time and celebrating with  my family and friends.  To high school, I didn't even think that "1984" would ever get here!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Part 2 The Big 60

While Bobby Bowden celebrated his 80th birthday, I celebrated  Part 2 of the big 60, the day before my birthday. After church, Dean and I and his Mom headed for Largo, where Ruthie was competing in another gymnastics meet.

Ruthie had quite an audience for this meet. Her mom, two grandmothers, her Grandpa Dean, her Great-Grandmother "TuTu", and her 4th grade teacher Mrs. Rasmussen. She put on quite a show! The first pictures are a few shots of  their warm-ups...This is what I meant by getting tired just watching warm-ups!

You see how it hurts just to watch?

Ruthie began her rotation at the beam. This one gives her and a bunch of others their greatest challenge. Imagine, spinning, doing handstands, and other such activities on a narrow piece of wood above the gym floor!! Ruthie's determination and skill gave her the highest score so far...9.175.


Ruthie entertained us royally on the beam, on the floor, on the vault, and on the bars. 3 of her scores were 9.1+, and the vault was 8.8. She finished fifth Overall, in her group! Thanks, Miss Ruthie, for helping me celebrate Part 2! Enjoy some parting shots....


             Be very careful when you put your hand on top of your head during a gymnastics meet...That can be some sticky stuff!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How To Celebrate The Big 60 Part 1

OK, 60, by anyone's standards is getting right on up there in the age brackets. You begin looking in the mirror and seeing your mother staring back at you!! So how do you actually celebrate this birthday?? Well, part 1 happened today...just two days before my birthday.

We made my birthday trip from Monticello to St. Petersburg for the big football games.. Yes, Rusty and Flip played their final football game of the season. We missed our two biggest cheerleaders, Ruthie and Ellie, but we added their great grandmother, AKA TuTu, as a very qualified cheerleader!! After all, she raised three boys and attended baseball, soccer, and swimming meets...then had four boy grandkids, attending the same. She commented that this was fun, because "We didn't have football back in our day!"

We will start with Flip's game. Here he is with Matthew Stofer, discussing the strategies of the game..Hey, let's run fast and score more than the other team!! I think we get medals for this one!

Here are some of the action shots for the game...Flip pulled two flags and ran for a long gain. He had a great day, and enjoyed the cool weather. Though his team came up a few points short, they played with "determination" and did pick up some medals for their outstanding play!

Next, we move to the Rustmeister's game.

This weekend, the results were reversed. Where Flip picked up a couple of quarters from Grandpa, Rusty almost broke the bank. With blazing speed and dogged determination, Rusty rushed the quarterback, chased down the running backs, and showed excellent speed on the offense. His team won the game, and Rusty walked away with 7 quarters!!!! I know, and so does Adam, that there WERE sparks coming off those shoes , at one point!!

Yes, this was a great start to my birthday celebration. I even chased the two of them down for a big hug!
Dean's mom and I left the game to meet up with good buddies and newly retired, Elaine, Janet, and Charlotte, to wander around the Dunedin Art Festival. It was a beautiful afternoon, filled with great talk, great art, and great Kettle Korn. I do believe Mom enjoyed that the most!!
Turning 60 is a lot more painful than 30, but surrounded by loving friends and family, makes the journey easier. So, thank you my dear friends and loving family for making 60, Part 1 a little easier.