When Mim and husband Ted, said they would be joining us for Thanksgiving, and that nephew, David and wife Dianna would like to come, as well, we were so excited!! Not only was Daddy, who has been recovering from a broken rib, going to get to see some of his Grandkids, we were going to enlist more helpers for our newest Thanksgiving tradition.
2009 brought the 4th year of our church's Community Thanksgiving Dinner. This began as Dean's brainchild, and was adopted by the church missions team and, of course, a large percentage of our church. Many people work, donate money, and, oh yes, homemade pies for the occasion.
Dean and his cook crew began Tuesday, cooking turkeys. On Thursday, 40 folks, from our church, our community, and even neighboring communities came to finish cooking, delivering take-outs to shut ins, serving those who join us, fellowshipping, and finally joining in on the eating, and of course, cleaning up.
Last year, the total folks served were around 200. So Dean planned for around 240 this year. We realized, after niece Karen and I made several trips to Winn Dixie, that the number was going to be greater. When the turkey feathers had settled, the numbers this year, grew to over 300. Again, we are not sure which group of people are more blessed...which groups are more thankful.... or which group gives more to the other...the Servers or the Servees. God's Love is so great.
We missed Bill and Johanna (in Peru), Adam and Lori and the kiddos (visiting friends), and hope that Thanksgiving was a wonderful time for all our family and friends.