Sunday, September 28, 2008

One More Celebration "Station"

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Dean and I added one more celebration to Rusty's birthday. We picked him up after school and traveled to Clearwater's Celebration Station. During the week, in the early afternoon, you pretty much have the place to yourself. Plenty of good visiting and playing time is available!

We had a great time riding in the race cars, playing the games, and eating pizza. Rusty beat his Grandma handily in Air Hockey, while his Grandpa and he are tied one game apiece!

In holding with tradition, Rusty won enough tickets to get his brother and sisters some great prizes (So sorry about the Play Dough for Ellie, Lori :))and for himself.He ate a ton of pizza, and we had him back home for an exciting round of homework!

Happy Birthday to you, Rusty!!!


Kasjaniuk said...

Love the smilebox! AND the new blog background too ... you've been busy :)

The Fo'Zaglia's said...

Those are the memories that he will keep with him always:)