Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ruthie's Birthday

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Backing up again...we took Ruthie for her Birthday a little before Christmas. She turned nine on December 8th. This year, she asked her friend Emily to join us on a trip to the "Theatuh". The Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center had performances of Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang,
After a wonderful lunch at Ya Ya's (One of Ruthie's favorite), we headed for Tampa. Our pre-show snacks consisited of pretzels and water...MAN these girls are healthy. Of course, both have sinced advanced to Level 4 in Gymnastics...This is the level at which they began actual competition.
The show was a little slow in the first segment, and we offered them a change of venue at intermission....Thankfully they wanted to stay and see the second half, as it was much more entertaining!!
Before delivering dinner to Adam, the girls finally had some "good" snacks!! Ruthie admitted her "addiction" to ice cream, Emily concurred, SOOOOOOO two Wendy's Frosties capped off the afternoon!

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