Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Big 60 Final Chapter

Well, on November 9th, the big day arrived.  It started with e-cards coming in from Adam, Adie Price, Karen and Greg, David, and even one from Peru...Bill and Johanna. Then, Dean whisked me off to a wonderful lunch at Carmelita's. I still find that some of the best Mexican faire anywhere.

We then headed over to Tampa and the Hard Rock Casino and Hotel. My sister Mim and her hubby Ted joined us that evening, and they were going to stay through the 11th, Mim's birthday. Dean and I were surprised that evening with a fruit and cheese tray and a bottle of champagne. Thanks again Larry, we enjoyed it all!

Dean had to leave the next morning, but I got to stay another day. Margaret and Daddy got there, and the Hall girls got to celebrate their birthdays with their "good friend" Bill Hall. The celebration was certainly enhanced by Glenda, the good witch of the North. For those who know The Wizard of Oz slot machine..she visited me and rewarded me with $700+.

Unfortunately, we had a bit of a mishap Tuesday night. Daddy took a fall in the room. We found out when we got back to Monticello, the next day, that he has a broken rib. I guess we will have to "tone down" next year's celebration. Please keep our Daddy in your prayers.

So, the Big 60 came and went. I loved spending time and celebrating with  my family and friends.  To high school, I didn't even think that "1984" would ever get here!!


Calhoun's In Peru said...

Wow, what a birthday. You made a one day event into a week of fun. That is how a birthday should be celebrated.

Kasjaniuk said...

Wish I could have seen the reaction of the sisters three when Glenda dumped $700 in your lap! I bet it was a sight :)