Sunday, June 1, 2008

Grandchild #2 Rusty

Rusty is almost 7 . (in September) He just finished Kindergarten, with another special teacher...Robyn Decresie. Ah, Kindergarten...I once substituted in a Kindergarten class, covered the class while the teacher had an was the longest 20 minutes of my life!!!

Rusty's class is typical...energetic, smart, helpful,energetic, and energetic!! Ms. Decresie sent me over to the computers with some of the boys, I think she saw the fear in my eyes, and let me have one of the more peaceful activities!! Thank you Robyn!

Along with being smart and talented...seems all the grandchildren share those attributes..Rusty is a sensitive child, who likes to help Lori put it in her blog, "defender of all things weak". Wow is that ever a blast from the past...He is so much like his father,down to his newly developed "smurf" collecting! Lori might check in his desk drawer, and see if there are collections of other types of valuable things.....gum wrappers, rubber bands, aluminum foil, gum wads...

When Rusty visits up here, he loves to go around and visit the cows, ride in his "jeep", and hang with the guys!! He is a great big brother, someting I am sure is father would have loved as well.

Next post...grandchild #3...the redhead!

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