Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New to Ranching?

As many of you know, we lease part of our land to the Tuten's. They are a ranching and farming family who have lived in Monticello for awhile, now. They raise beef cattle, and keep about 100 "Mamas" on our property. The bulls come in to do their "job", but do not "live" on the property. The Mamas have their babies in December, after about a 9 month pregnancy. This is truly an exciting time, as the babies are such fun to watch. They struggle to their feet, wobbly at first, and then playfully kick up there heels and do what all youngsters do...PLAY!!!

The Mamas are truly caring and protective of their calves. Aside from the nourishment, they protect their calves from predators. I have yet to see or hear of a calf lost to coyotes, as we experienced with the goats on our property. They appear to work as a unit in this protection, as they also share the "calf-sitting" duties. We have noticed on many occasions, one or two Mamas with many of the young ones, while the others are away grazing. Those six months are such fun to watch and observe, not only the antics of the young ones, but the "loving" nature of the Mamas.

This is the very saddest part of the year. The calves are now big enough to sell and take to market. Gary and his crew, ride their horses on the property, separate the calves and Mamas, and load the calves in a trucks to send to their next stage. I believe they take them to the midwest, where they are grain fed and grow to a " marketable" size.

Left behind, the now pregnant females, prepare to deliver their new babies in December. But, the sad part is, they loudly mourn and search for their "babies" over the next two or three days! Every time you drive near them, it is almost like they are asking you for help in locating their errant "kids". They literally bellow and "scream" for them for days...I know that steaks and hamburger are a large part of our diet...and that these cows are raised for that specific purpose...but still...the Mama in me suffers with them.

1 comment:

The Fo'Zaglia's said...

Don't know if I could handle that, but I guess you get used to it.
