Friday, July 9, 2010

One Halluva Weekend

Mim, Margaret, Susan, Andie, and Dianna

Day 1 of the Hall reunion/Daddy's birthday celebration (92)...we voted froma wonderful list of names on the title of the event. We chose from : 1. Sweet Willie Palooza 2. Willie Wanna Games 3. Wild Willie's Weekend or W3 4. One Halluva Weekend 5. The Hall olympics 6. Sweet Willie's Teaberry Shuffle 7. Willie Nillie Weekend 8. Willie's 92nd Bash.

Da da Da!!.. The winner, with 11 out of 13 votes is (drumroll) .... One Halluva Weekend. This was submitted by grandson, David Miller, (Mim's son). Soo.... David has one the first event of many games...Let us hope that he does not boast nor that will cost him dearly in Spirit Points!!!

Dean, Jack, Ted and David

We will almost all of us together tomorrow...Bill and Johanna, Johanna's sister, Sonia, husband and two children  (from Tampa) will be here tonight, and Greg and Karen will be here tomorrow (from Tallahassee). Let us not forget the dogs of the family....ours: Baxter....David and Dianna's , Lloyd...Bill and Johanna's, Lola, and Greg and Karen's two..Jake and Kora!!!

Tomorrow....Let the games begin for One Halluva Weekend!!

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