Friday, October 31, 2008


Today is Halloween, and I am blogging some old memories that make me smile. The first one is Adam at 3 years old. Yes, those are "Underoos"....though my mother was a great seamstress, I must admit to complete failure with a sewing machine! So, poor Adam had to put up with a lot of "store bought" thrown together costumes. So Batman was it that year!

The next picture was in Mrs. Savitsky's Kindergarten class at Kreative Kids. Adam and Erica were the best of buddies. As you can see from this picture, Spiderman was the "Target" special in 1981.

The third picture leads me to one of my most precious Halloween memories. This "dracula" outfit was my first attempt at make-up!! Adam was so excited as he headed off to school for his big Halloween Parade!! Didn't he look scary??? I decided at the last minute to take a half day from school, got someone to cover my class, and made it over to school for the parade.... He did not look nearly as happy as he hastily made his way across the platform...of course, he might have just been trying to look scary...ooooooohhh!!!However, when I walked back with him to Miss Graves' class, he was very sad..he said, "Mommy, my friends don't know me, and they are afraid of me!" Miss Graves let me take him into the restroom, and I washed all that scary make-up off. I am so thankful that I went to his parade!!

My next attempt at a "make-up" costume was when he and David Valenzano decided to go to middle school as monsters! This time, no one was afraid of him...However, Adam developed a case of impetigo the next day....must have been bad make-up!! All because his mother couldn't sew!!! I think he has forgiven me for that one...

The final picture that I have, is one of he and Lori in college...Lori can always bring the biggest smiles from the "boy"!! Such a "Joker" !!

I thank my "little dracula" for giving me so many happy Halloween memories...We used to decorate his bedroom with spider webs, and skeletons, and ghosts, Oh My ... and yes, Adam, you even shared your Reese's Peanut Butter cups...oooops...maybe you didn't "remember" that part :)


The Fo'Zaglia's said...

Love the pictures! Especailly Batman (that is what Anthony was this year)

Kasjaniuk said...

Good times! I remember that incredible hulk candy bucket too :)