Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year

And...finally, I catch up with my "blogging"! Yes!! I stayed up for my second annual New Year's Eve. For those who know me well....I just have NEVER stayed up...My routine has been...go to bed at my normal time..Dean wakes me up 2 minutes before midnight..and we watch the ball drop on TV...listen to fireworks..kiss and wish each other a Happy New Year. That is, UNTIL last year...We attended the First Annual Monticello Opera House,"New Year's Eve Gala". This year it was repeated, with the theme of the "Roaring Twenties". We repeated, along with Mike and Adie Price (From Debary, FL) and Dave and Katrina Fitzsimmons (Chicago, IL). This year, the band was "Encore", aka The Purvis Boys! Mike and his brothers can play anything from Gospel to Rock to 20's ask it, they can play and sing it! In between sets, a DJ spun some records...oh I doubt they were records, just aged myself!! Dinner was prime rib with all the "fixins"...There was a wonderful stage show( local talent) upstairs in the Opera House...and Dancing dancing dancing back downstairs. Our table vows to meet back here again next year!!!
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1 comment:

The Fo'Zaglia's said...

How fun does that look? Far from waking up 2 min's before midnight.