Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mars vs. Venus/ Scrapbooking vs. Hunting..etc.

I must admit, ladies, I took some heat from Dean for some of my comments on my last blog...First off, he says that a great guy will read your blogs, or listen to it if you read it for him, or tape it so he can play it back after the ball game, if you remind him.....:) AND, he would like to clear something up for all guys!!
We were at the ball game, today, and I was making my normal female complaint about the lack of parity in facilities at the ball park, or football stadium, or other such male dominated places..
He pointed out to me that guys have real problems with their facilities, especially at the ball park, as well. You see, there is no place to put anything down in their, if you have bought your hot dog and then remembered you needed to make a stop...what in the world do you do with that hot dog?? AND the really embarassing part of all of that is..are you ready????
Everyone knows when that happens, ivariably get mustard all over the underarm part of the shirt sleeve that you have stuck it under!!!
See ladies? aren't you ashamed of yourselves?? Well, now, at least you know why some guys just appear so messy with mustard on their shirts!!

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