Thursday, June 12, 2008

College World Series

Well, I will be away from the blog for a few my computer has not crashed AGAIN. Dean and I are scratching one more thing off the "Bucket List". We've always wanted to go to a College World Series...and we will combine the FSU Seniors' Bucket List with ours...Hopefully, They will be able to stay a little longer than us. GO NOLES!!
We will be returning on Wednesday. You see....we have "obligations" for the Watermelon Festival. At least, Dean's cute little car has obligations..Dean's driving the Grand Marshall for the parade..Last year, Daddy and I drove the former Watermelon Queen. The "car" has a new identity in this little town... Someday, it will be a classic, with low mileage and memories of parades and homecomings!
See you all in a few.........

1 comment:

Kasjaniuk said...

GOOOOOOO Seminoles!!! Cheer loud for our noles :)